Better Sleep Now. Pay Later.

better sleep
How to Set a Sleep Routine and Why it's Important
Did you know that creating a sleep routine helps us fall asleep and wake up more easily? We know, life can get hectic and it can be hard to keep a consistent schedule, let alone going to bed at the...

better sleep
5 Tips to a Better Sleep
Are you struggling to sleep at night? According to a 2020 survey by Sleep Standards, 67% of Americans believe that their sleep schedules were healthier pre-pandemic than they are now. It’s not surp...

better sleep
The Temperature of your Sleep Environment is a Big Deal
The temperature of your sleep environment is a bigger deal than you may think. If you’re having consistent trouble sleeping sometimes you know why but many times you don’t. Sleep temperature is of...

sleep tips
Sleep Tip #5: How Screen Time Affects Your Sleep
Most of us know this already, but a reminder never hurt! Looking at the bluelight from our phones right before bed can disrupt your internal clock and inhibit your melatonin production (the hormone...

sleep tips
Sleep Tip #3: Sleep in a Cool Room
It might be tempting to turn up the heat (especially in winter) and jump into a warm cozy bed, but did you know that the optimal bedroom sleep temperature is between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit? W...

sleep tips
Sleep Tip #2: Be Conscious of Your Eating Habits
Having a balanced diet can have a huge impact on your sleep! Make sure to stop eating 2-3 hours before bedtime to allow your body to digest everything so it can focus on rest and restoration during...

sleep tips
Sleep Tip #1: Set Yourself Up for a Better Sleep Routine
To add to consistency, creating a night time routine helps the body and brain get ready for sleep. Give yourself 30-60 minutes to start a routine that has you relaxing. This could be anything from ...