better sleep

The Ultimate Guide to Bed Sizes and Dimensions: Finding Your Perfect Fit

Introduction Understanding the Importance of the Right Bed Size At Perfectly Snug, we understand that a good night's sleep is essential for overall health and well-being. However, finding the right...
better sleep

Sleep Aids: Foods That Can Help You Sleep Better Without Disruption

Introduction At Perfectly Snug, we understand that a good night's sleep is the secret ingredient for a happy, healthy, and productive life. In our fast-paced, always-on world, far too many people a...
better sleep

The Science: What's the Ideal Bedroom Temperature for a Good Night's Sleep?

Introduction The Importance of Sleep Quality and Environment At Perfectly Snug, we believe that the key to unlocking your full potential lies in the power of a restful slumber. Sleep is nature's el...

Surprising Impact of Sleep Deprivation on Your Brain's Performance

Introduction Overview of sleep deprivation In our fast-paced, 24/7 world, many of us wear sleep deprivation like a badge of honor, boasting about how little shut-eye we need to power through our ja...
10 Tips to Combat Eye Bags

10 Tips to Combat Eye Bags

Puffy, under-eye bags are generally the result of sleep deprivation or poor dietary habits. Fortunately, they are considered a cosmetic concern and don’t require medical treatment. However, they ca...
When Should You See A Doctor About Your Night Sweats?
better sleep

When Should You See A Doctor About Your Night Sweats?

Are hot flashes and excessive night sweats keeping you up at night? If so, it might be time to make a trip to your doctor's office.  For most, night sweats are onset by a sleep environment that is...
6 Tips to Prep for a Red-Eye
better sleep

6 Tips to Prep for a Red-Eye

Overnight flights can save business travellers precious time and money; however, red-eye flights also get their name from the disembarking sleepless passengers with bloodshot eyes. If you want to f...
What can you do to better manage the thermodynamics of your sleep?
better sleep

What can you do to better manage the thermodynamics of your sleep?

Sleep temperature may be one of the most overlooked factors in sleep quality. The temperature of your sleep environment and body heat regulation during the night are critical to getting good qualit...
Tips for Better Naps from Professionals in the Sleep Industry
better sleep

Tips for Better Naps from Professionals in the Sleep Industry

Napping comes with many benefits for your emotional and physical wellbeing. Getting your beauty sleep is linked to relaxation, improved mood, and reduced fatigue. Research even suggests naps are mo...