Sleep Tip #5: How Screen Time Affects Your Sleep

Sleep Tip #5: How Screen Time Affects Your Sleep

Most of us know this already, but a reminder never hurt! Looking at the bluelight from our phones right before bed can disrupt your internal clock and inhibit your melatonin production (the hormone that tells your body to get tired and go to sleep). This not only prevents you from getting drowsy but will make your brain more alert. 30-60 minutes before bed, try turning your phone to “Do Not Disturb Mode” so you won’t get notifications right before bed which could trigger last minute stress or unwanted thoughts. It also helps to prevent notifications going off while you’re in the middle of your slumber. If you’re finding the temptation too hard, place your phone in another room - out of sight, out of mind! 

Not only should you be putting away your phone but try adjusting your nighttime routine to avoid T.V. or computer usage 30-60 minutes before bed. Instead, take yourself away from all devices and implement calming activities that will signal your brain it’s time to wind down. Reading, a warm showrer or bath, or journaling are just some of the things that can substitute the time spent on your devices. You can read more about the importance of your pre-bedtime routine here. 

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