What can you do to better manage the thermodynamics of your sleep?

What can you do to better manage the thermodynamics of your sleep?

Sleep temperature may be one of the most overlooked factors in sleep quality. The temperature of your sleep environment and body heat regulation during the night are critical to getting good quality sleep. 

Your nightly experience—whether you recognize it or not—is crafted around temperature regulation. Good quality sleep requires a disturbance-free environment, so you can sleep without interrupting your sleep cycle. This includes avoiding sleep disturbances caused by temperature when possible. 

Some simple steps can help better manage the temperature of your sleep.

  1. Don’t engage in activities that make you hot before turning in, such as exercising too close to bedtime, overeating before bed, or sitting on a hot couch under a pile of blankets before calling it a night.
  2. Cool down before bed by lowering the thermostat in your bedroom or taking a cool shower.
  3. Choose light, breathable bedding that doesn’t overheat you at night.

For some people, these measures are not enough. If you suffer from poor sleep, it may be due to temperature, and trying a product-based sleep solution may be a step towards better sleep.

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