Tips to Become an Early Riser

Tips to Become an Early Riser

If you’re looking to hack your sleep schedule and become an early riser, we’ve got you covered.

The first step in becoming an early riser is establishing a consistent bedtime routine. This can help reduce stress in the nighttime hours, encouraging you to relax and unwind before bed. Reducing anxiety and adrenaline by promoting relaxation can help prime you for sleep. 

Waking up early can be difficult, so it’s important to have a “why” that motivates you to get out of bed. To find your “why,” think about the reasons you’re looking to change your sleep schedule. If you need the motivation to get out of bed, create a morning routine that you love and look forward to.  

Make sure to ease yourself into your new routine by gradually introducing changes. Easy shifts can help you form habits you’re more likely to stick with. When you’re trying to start waking up early, the first change to focus on is your bedtime and wake-up time. Make these adjustments in gradual 15–30 minute increments over several days to set yourself up for success. Once you’ve eased yourself into the new routine, you can incorporate additional techniques to help you wake up early, like exercising regularly or limiting screen time in the evening. 

Another tip for waking up earlier is limiting your caffeine and alcohol consumption before bed. Sleep disruptions caused by alcohol and caffeine can lead to oversleeping and the struggle to wake up early. To reduce sleep disturbances caused by these substances, avoiding alcohol and caffeine for at least four hours before bedtime is recommended. 

Similar to alcohol and caffeine, eating before bedtime can disrupt your sleep quality, impacting your ability to wake up early. Eating too close to bedtime can hinder your body’s ability to digest food, resulting in a lower quality rest. If possible, it’s best to eat your last meal between two and three hours before bed to allow proper time for digestion. 

A final tip to wake up early is to get out of bed. Placing your alarm across the room is an easy way to accomplish this. Studies have shown that up to 57% of people hit the snooze button in the morning. Forcing yourself out of bed can help jumpstart your day and make it less likely that you’ll go back to sleep. 

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