How the Temperature of Your Sleep Environment May Be Impacting the Quality of Your Sleep

How the Temperature of Your Sleep Environment May Be Impacting the Quality of Your Sleep

Perfectly Snug's Co-Founder Jason was always sleep deprived. For many years, he struggled to get decent sleep. Beside him, his wife slept like a rock, night after night. He would go to bed before her and get up after her, and yet, he was still tired. The poor quality of his sleep affected his mood, productivity, and desire to exercise, and he found that he often ate more than he needed trying to boost my energy.

What was his problem? He knew that he would often wake up hot, and it would take forever to cool down and get back to sleep, but he had no clue what was really going on at night. As an engineer with 20 years of working in temperature physics, he did what you would expect: He equipped my bed with temperature sensors and logged many nights of thermal data. What he discovered surprised him. He found that the mattress beneath him became hotter and hotter until it nearly reached his core temperature, and he would become overheated, causing him to roll over, looking for a cool spot. This cycle happened every 30 to 45 minutes throughout the night, completely fragmenting Jason's sleep. Once the bed was hot everywhere, he would have to remove the blanket, get up, open a window, and walk around until he had cooled down enough to finally get back to sleep, and an hour later, Jason would wake up cold because of the open window and lack of blankets. It was torture!

What Jason discovered is what many people already know—the temperature of your sleep environment and the regulation of the heat your body produces during the night are critical to getting good quality sleep. Sleep temperature is one of the most overlooked factors in sleep quality.

Read the full article at Well Defined here.


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